Formworks for beams I/L/T , production lines for covering prefabricated buildings on prestressed concrete.

In the next photos:

Beam line for double slope floor soffit(F-54,F-55)

The beam-line for H-T prestressed (F-56 F-57 F-59)

prestressed beam line for TT (F-60 F-61)

multifunctional beam line I-H-L-T (F-62 F-63 F-64)

Self-reacting hydraulic formwork for the beam frame (F-65 F-66 F-67)

Self-reacting hydraulic slab formwork for Omega (F-68)

Line for beam roof gullwing (F-69)

formwork for beams rectangular-I-L-T (F-70-71)


Formworks in battery for the realization of cement flat slabs to use for the false ceiling of prefabricated buildings.

The Officine Del Segato can make on specific customers’’ requirement every kind of transport truck.

In the next photos:

Transport trucks manufactured in-house area of establishment (F-17 F-18)

Carriage with battery to transport products (F-19 F-20 F-21)

Formworks for producing pillars on reinforced concrete in triangular or circular section.

In the next photos:

Round colomn formwork in series (F-35 F-36)

Formwork for pillar with adjustable base (F-37)

Double Column Formwork (F-38 F-39)

Production lines for civil and industrial prefabrication. Our formworks for concrete panels can be completely automized and it is possible to control each step of production through plc.

In the next photos:

Line for rocker panels (F-28 F-29 F-31)

Automatic line for panels operated by plc (F-33 F-34)




Need information?

Our staff is at your disposal to answer any questions you want to ask, don't wait...


+39 0578 737029

Contact Us

F.lli Del Segato Luigi, Emanuele & C. snc
Sede Legale: Via dei Canneti, 8
53045 Montepulciano - Siena
Sede Operativa: Via Monza, 21
53045 Montepulciano Stazione - Siena
Tel. +39 0578.737029

Opening time

From Monday to Friday
9:00-13:00 / 15:00-19:30

Where we are

© 2019 F.lli Del Segato Luigi, Emanuele & C. snc
Sede Legale: Via dei Canneti, 8 - 53045 Montepulciano - Siena - Italy
Sede Operativa: Via Monza, 21 - 53045 Montepulciano Stazione - Siena - Italy

Ph. +39 0578 737029 - Fax +39 0578 737763 - P.I. 00627600521
CAP. SOC. I.V. € 12.000,00 – R.E.A. SI 116312

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